Thank you for trying CtrlPlus components! This is the cpCheckList version 1.0. This component replaces the previously distributed beta version 0.9. 16- and 32-bit versions are included for use with Delphi 1.x and 2.x respectively. The cpCheckList component is a listbox component that incorporates check marks to facilitate multiple selection. The check marks used are user-defined via the "Picture" property, which is a bitmap containing two images, the left half containing the unchecked image and the right half the checked image. Four examples are included. Three functions enable checking or unchecking all items in the list and identifying whether a particular item is selected. The functions are: procedure CheckAll; procedure ClearAll; function IsChecked(Index : Integer) : Boolean; All functions are applied against the component rather than the list of Items it contains, e.g. to check if the first item in the list is checked use ret:=cpCheckList1.IsChecked(0); Where cpCheckList1 is the component name, ret the return value (Boolean) and 0 the index of the first item in the list (Items are numbered from 0). Other functions and behaviour are as per the standard TListBox component, although some functions are not available, as befits the use of this component. This component is available as shareware for $15 including source (16- and 32-bit), comprehensive help file, sample code and on-line support. registration is through Compuserve (GO SWREG) agreement 11046. CtrlPlus have a number of components available for both 16- and 32-bit versions of Delphi and are currently looking for distributors (particularly Internet distributors who can handle credit card payment). If you are interested, please email the above addresses. Please report bugs, comment on the component and request enhancements via email to me at: Compuserve ID: 100630,1435 Internet: 100630, 21/April/1996